QuickTalker FT 7, 12, and 23

QuickTalker FT 7, 12, and 23
How To Fix Glitching Audio When Recording on My QuickTalker FT
Getting Started With QuickTalker FT 7, 12, and 23 Speech Devices
An introduction and overview of how to use the QuickTalker FT 7, 12, and 23 speech devices.
Why does the QuickTalker FT LED alternate flashing between red and yellow two times and not play my message?
Why can't I record a new message on a QuickTalker FT?
QuickTalker FT allows message records by entering recording mode. This process is fully detailed on the label on the back of the device as well as the product's QuickStart Guide.
Why can’t I change levels on the QuickTalker FT?
It’s likely the lock feature has been enabled. To enable/disable the lock feature press and hold the Record and Level buttons at the same time for 5 seconds. When activated/deactivated you should s...
Do the top 3 message cells change with different levels on the QuickTalker FT?
The top 3 messages are core messages that remain the same through all levels.
How long is the total recording time on the QuickTalker FT?
Total recording time across all the levels:
Can you add an external switch or operate a toy/appliance with the QuickTalker FT?
No, the QuickTalker FT 7, 12 and 23 do not have input or output for external equipment. If you require this functionality, we’d recommend reviewing the SuperTalker FT as a suitable option.
How Do I Erase Messages on a QuickTalker FT?
Additional Topics for Speech Devices
BIG Step-by-Step
BIG TalkingBrix
LITTLE Step-by-Step
SuperTalker FT
TalkingBrix 2