Data Collection and Implementation

Data Collection and Implementation
Ruling Out Other Methods of Communication
Data Collection Resources
7 Steps to Make Your First Session with the QTF a Success!
Medical Justification Guide
Core Vs. Fringe Vocabulary
Communication Functions
10 Tips for Supporting AAC Implementation
Activities to Facilitate Communication Using AAC
AAC Communication Temptations
Data Capture for Insurance Worksheet
Prompting Strategies for New and Seasoned AAC Users
AAC Prompt Hierarchy is a structured approach used to support individuals with communication difficulties.
Additional Topics for Funding for QuickTalker Freestyle
Getting Started
Learn how you get started with your request for a QuickTalker Freestyle speech device.
Access to a QuickTalker Freestyle speech device for a hands-on experience.
FN Status
Get an update on the status of your QuickTalker Freestyle funding request.
FN Lookup
Find your QuickTalker Freestyle funding request number.