AAC Basics

AAC Basics
Myths and Facts Surrounding Assistive Technology
What Research Says About AAC
Embracing High-Tech AAC from the Start
The Importance of Lite Tech Back Ups for AAC Users
Core Vs. Fringe Vocabulary
Do’s and Don’ts of AAC - Wait time
Understanding the role of stimming in AAC communication
The Importance of Guided Access
Insurance is funding a dedicated communication device, which therefore should be used as just that!
Prompting Strategies for New and Seasoned AAC Users
AAC Prompt Hierarchy is a structured approach used to support individuals with communication difficulties.
Communication Functions: All the reasons we communicate
Communication functions help us use language effectively and expand AAC users' communication beyond choices.
Communication partner skills for AAC learners
Communication partners are essential for AAC users. They should model, wait, prompt, and respond.
Aided Language Stimulation
Aided Language Stimulation supports AAC users in communication and enhances language skills.
4 things every AAC system needs
Choose a balanced AAC system that includes core words, quick access to fringe vocabulary, and the alphabet for versatile communication.
Are there prerequisites for AAC?
AAC access should not require proof of readiness; we presume competence without prerequisites
Successful Speech App Selection, Execution, and Transition—Key Steps and Strategies
Selecting the right speech app for AAC users is vital for enhancing communication and independence, but the many available options can be overwhelming.
Ensuring the QuickTalker Freestyle Can Only Be Used as a Speech Device
Additional Topics for For SLPs
Additional Resources
School Supports
Therapy Activities
Therapy Strategies