Insurance is funding a dedicated communication device, which therefore should be used as just that!

  • Guided Access prevents users from exiting the dedicated speech application and scrolling through other apps (e.g., Youtube, games, Safari, etc.)

When users switch to various apps on the QuickTalker Freestyle, they then lose, or exit out of, their primary form of communication.

  • Instead, we recommend placing the device on Guided Access mode so that their communication system is always accessible.

If Youtube, or other apps are requested, simply set the QuickTalker Freestyle next to another form of technology (e.g, smart phone, iPad, computer) so that they can communicate simultaneously.

Here are instructions for turning on Guided Access:

  1. Settings > Accessibility > Guided Access.
  2. Turn it on.
  3. Tap Passcode Settings to set a 6 digit passcode. Make sure to choose a passcode that you will remember!
  4. Enter and re-enter the passcode to confirm.
  5. Open the selected speech application.
  6. Triple-press the home button (fast!) to open Guided Access. If you have the Mini QuickTalker, triple press the power button on the top of the device.
  7. Tap Start to turn on Guided Access at the top of your screen.
  8. Test it to make sure it worked by clicking out of the speech app. It should no longer allow you to exit unless re-entering the passcode.
  9. To exit Guided Access, triple-press the home button, enter your passcode, Tap End.

Use this link to access a video demonstration on how to turn on Guided Access for the QuickTalker Freestyle.

Contact our ableCARE team for further assistance with setting up Guided Access on the QuickTalker Freestyle.

Getting Started

QuickTalker Freestyle Quick Start Guide The Importance of Guided Access Create a Dedicated QuickTalker Freestyle Apple Account Stay Connected with the ableCARE Support App

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