How to Add Multiple Languages and Set Up a Language Toggle in TouchChat

To add another language other than English to your vocabulary files, please follow the steps below:
1. On the vocabulary page, go to menu at the top right
2. Select Language and Region
3. Click the blue plus at the top right corner
4. Select the supported language you would like to add (i.e. Spanish, Hebrew, French, Chinese)
5. Select “done” at top left
6. Now further vocabulary options will populate!
After your additional language has been added, please follow steps below to create personalized copies for vocabularies in both languages:
1. Select the desired vocabulary in English
2. Select customize
3. Rename the vocabulary identifying it as i.e. “English WordPower60-Student’s name”
4. Save
5. Repeat steps with additional language vocabulary (when these steps are completed, you should have a vocabulary for each language under “My Files”)
To set up a bilingual toggle between two vocabularies, please follow the steps below:
*Please note that I am using Spanish as an example of a secondary language in my directions below
1. Go into English vocabulary
2. Think about where you want to set up the toggle. If you want to set up the toggle on the home page, I would recommend utilizing the period as this is accessible on other pages. You want to make sure you are not replacing a necessary core word on the home screen.
3. Go to Menu-> Edit page
4. Select button you are editing to act as the toggle
5. Edit this button
6. Change button label to “Spanish”
7. Scroll to the bottom and delete all actions currently on button by going to edit-> click on the red icon to the left of each action
8. Select “Add” action”” under Button Actions
9. Add “Go to Vocabulary”
10. Select the Spanish vocabulary you want the page set to toggle to
11. Select Save at top right
12. Select Done at top left
13. One toggle is now set up! Now repeat steps on Spanish vocabulary
Video instructions for adding a bilingual toggle
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