How to Print Overlays Made with AbleNet Symbol Overlay Maker from a Windows Computer
The AbleNet Symbol Overlay Maker app, available on iOS, allows you to create custom overlays for all AbleNet devices. This article will cover how to use a Windows-based computer to print an overlay made with the app.
Required Items
AbleNet Symbol Overlay Maker installed on Apple iOS devices running iOS 13 or higher
Windows-based computer
Please follow the steps below to print an overlay using a Windows-based computer.
First, create the overlay using the AbleNet Symbol Overlay Maker app on your iOS device. Detailed instructions are available here.
Press the “Preview” button (eye icon at the bottom of the screen).
Press the “Share” icon at the bottom of the screen.
The share options you see will depend on the apps you have installed and the preferences you have set on your device. Four common methods are Mail and Save to Files.
This option will open your email app and will create a new email with the overlay as a pdf attachment.
Send this email to the person you would like to print the overlay. This might mean sending the email to your own email address.
Open the email on a computer that has a printer setup, open the pdf, and print.
Save to Files
Selecting this option will save a pdf to your iCloud account.
Find the pdf in your iCloud Files, open the pdf, and print.
Google Account
If you have Google Drive installed on your iOS device with the AbleNet Symbol Overlay App, Google Drive will be an option in the share menu. Selecting this option will save a pdf to your Google Drive account.
Log in to Google Drive on your computer that is set up to print.
Find the pdf in your Drive files, open the pdf, and print.
Microsoft Account
If you have OneDrive installed on your iOS device with the AbleNet Symbol Overlay App, OneDrive will be an option in the share menu. Selecting this option will save a pdf to your OneDrive account.
Log in to OneDrive on your computer that is set up to print.
Find the pdf in your OneDrive files, open the pdf, and print.