1. To add a speech app to your device:
  2. Connect the device to WiFi.
  3. Scan the QR code on the Splash Screen of your device or go to https://quicktalkerfreestyle.com/ableexperience-device-support-request/
  4. Complete the form.
  5. Once you have completed the form, a member of the ableCARE team will assign the app to your device, and the requested app(s) will automatically begin downloading to the device. You will receive a confirmation email once the app(s) have been sent to your device*.

*If additional information is required, you will receive an email from our ableCARE team with a request for additional details before the app is loaded to your device.

If the speech app you need is not listed among your purchased apps, please Contact the ableCARE Product Success team. They will add the app to your account so you can download it.


Who is liable if the device becomes damaged? When is my device return date? How do I add a speech app to my ableEXPERIENCE device? What is the ableEXPERIENCE?

Additional topics for Funding for QuickTalker Freestyle


    Access to a QuickTalker Freestyle speech device for a hands-on experience.

  • Data Collection and Implementation

    Resources to help you collect data for your QuickTalker Freestyle funding request.

  • FN Lookup

    Find your QuickTalker Freestyle funding request number.

  • FN Status

    Get an update on the status of your QuickTalker Freestyle funding request.

  • Getting Started

    Learn how you get started with your request for a QuickTalker Freestyle speech device.

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