Therapy Strategies

Therapy Strategies
Should we still be using hand-over-hand assistance for AAC users?
Modeling Basics for Effective Communication
Incorporating AAC Into Daily Routines
Communicating During Times of Challenging Behaviors
Modeling with AAC
AAC modeling works and it's supported by decades of research.
AAC Video Modeling Resource
Video modeling is an effective teaching tool that demonstrates skills or behaviors through video demonstrations, similar to a visual “how-to” guide.
AAC Implementation Tips
10 Tips for Supporting AAC Implementation
Reducing Maladaptive Behaviors With AAC
Focus on communication functions to improve AAC use in children.
Prompting Strategies for New and Seasoned AAC Users
AAC Prompt Hierarchy is a structured approach used to support individuals with communication difficulties.
AAC Strategies for Gestalt Language Processors
High-tech speech devices support GLPs by incorporating their language and targets, enhancing communication.
Additional Topics for For SLPs
AAC Basics
Additional Resources
School Supports
Therapy Activities