What to do if the Big Beamer Transmitter LED is flashing and wont activate?

When the batteries are low, the LED will flash three (3) times. At this point, it’s recommended that they be replaced.
If your device is not working correctly, it may be due to one of two battery issues:
- Low or Depleted Batteries: The batteries in your device may need to be replaced.
- Battery Type Issues: If you’re using rechargeable batteries or batteries labeled “Heavy Duty,” “Industrial Grade,” or “ProCell,” these types may cause the device to behave as if the batteries are low or dead. These battery types manage power differently from regular alkaline batteries and are not recommended for use with this product.
How to resolve:
- Replace the batteries with new, regular alkaline batteries.
- Make sure the replacement batteries are fresh and recently purchased. Batteries that have been used in other devices or have been sitting unused for some time may not have enough power to operate your device properly.
Next steps
Please visit the Big Beamer Transmitter Support Hub for additional support resources. If you have any additional questions, please contact the ableCARE Product Success Team for further assistance.
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