
This guide explains how to install a battery in an AbleNet easy tech speech-generating device, such as the BIGmack, LITTLEmack, LITTLE Step-By-Step, BIG Step-by-Step, iTalk2, and iTalk4. Our line of speech-generating devices uses a single 9V battery for power.

Required Items

  • AbleNet speech generating device
  • New alkaline 9V battery


Please note that while this video demonstrates the steps with the Little Step-by-Step device, the same process applies to our entire line of easy tech speech-generating devices.

Here are the steps for installing a 9V battery into one of our low-tech speech devices:

  1. Lift the D-ring on the battery door
  2. Twist the D-ring 45° Counter-Clockwise
  3. Pull up on the D-Ring, which will lift the battery door up
  4. Fold the battery clip on to the bottom of the case so that the battery terminals are facing up
  5. Plug the battery into the battery clip, minding the polarity
  6. Place the battery and battery clip into the compartment with the wire facing down
  7. Close the battery door so that it is flush with the case bottom
  8. Twist the D-Ring 90°
  9. Lay the D-Ring down

Tips and Troubleshooting

We recommend always using regular, alkaline batteries to avoid any issues with recording or playing messages. However, if your device is not working correctly, it may be due to one of two battery issues:

  1. Low or Depleted Batteries: The batteries in your device may need to be replaced.
  2. Battery Type Issues: If you’re using rechargeable batteries or batteries labeled “Heavy Duty,” “Industrial Grade,” or “ProCell,” these types may cause the device to behave as if the batteries are low or dead. These battery types manage power differently from regular alkaline batteries and are not recommended for use with AbleNet products.

How to resolve:

  • Replace the batteries with new, regular alkaline batteries.
  • Make sure the replacement batteries are fresh and recently purchased. Batteries that have been used in other devices or have been sitting unused for some time may not have enough power to operate your device properly.

Additional resources are available on the Speech Devices Support Hub. Most importantly, if you have additional questions, please contact the ableCARE Product Success Team for further assistance.

Taking Care of Your Assistive Technology

Is my Assistive Technology product covered under warranty? How to Install a Battery into an Easy Tech Speech Generating Device How to Record and Play a New Message on an Easy Tech Speech Generating Device Recommended Cleaning Process for AbleNet Devices

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