If you pay the ASHA CE Registry Fee:

  1. Attend the live webinar or watch the recording.
  2. Receive a score of 80% or higher on the assessment attached to each webinar. 
  3. Check “yes” when asked if you want AbleNet to report your information to ASHA on the assessment form.
  4. AbleNet will report your results to ASHA and the course will automatically appear on your transcript.

If you do not pay the ASHA CE Registry Fee:

  1. Attend the live webinar or watch the recording.
  2. Receive a score of 80% or higher on the assessment attached to each webinar. You will be sent a Verification of Attendance after submitting the assessment.
  3. Submit your certificate to ASHA.

Learn more about the ASHA CE Registry here: The ASHA Continuing Education (CE) Registry


When will I receive a certificate? ableU Certificates Explained Requirements to Earn Certificates When are ASHA CEUs Reported?

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