There are many reasons to communicate. We call these communication functions. When we are aware of communication functions, we can use words that build language and meaningful communication. This way, we expand an AAC user’s world beyond choice-making.

People who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) instead of talking, need language, like everyone else. Language is about words and sentences, and is used to speak, listen, read and write.

We need language so we can communicate for a wide variety of reasons. We call these reasons communication functions. They are the different reasons that we communicate every day with the world around us.

AAC should give communicators words to say what they think, ask for things, tell stories and jokes, ask questions, and share what they know.

Modeling communication functions

To learn the language needed to communicate for different reasons, AAC learners need to see others use it. As we talk to them, we model by pointing to words on the user’s AAC system. We model during day-to-day interactions. And just like we model to teach words, we also can model examples of different communication functions. We can show how we communicate different messages for different reasons, using the AAC.

Beyond requesting

Most often, AAC is used for only one communication function—requesting. AAC users can get really good at asking for things. They can make requests for food, favorite shows, places to go, YouTube videos, etc. Making requests is motivating for AAC users. It may be one of the first reasons they use their AAC.

Find a full list of communication functions in the AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom.

Think about why we want to communicate. This helps us to decide what words may need to be taught and modeled.

Plan for different communication functions

It can be very useful to think about communication functions as we plan goals and activities for AAC users. Think about why we want to communicate. This helps us decide what words may need to be taught and modeled.

Choose which communication functions to teach. The tables below give examples of different types. Which of these is your AAC user already using? Which do you want to teach next? 

Communication functions in Proloquo and Proloquo2Go

This table includes words to model with core and fringe word based vocabularies that you can find in apps such as Proloquo or Proloquo2Go.

Communication FunctionCore words to modelCore words with fringe to model
Requestwant, want that, want different, want more, I wantWant play, 
I want to watch TV
Protestnot, not that, stopNot red
Stop that music
Commentlook, look that, see, see themI see car
That girl looks pretty
Directget, get it, give me, put in, put it in, give me thatDo more swinging
Give me my cup please
Ask questionswhat? what that? where? where go? who? who go?When are we going to shopping?
Where is David?
Who is going to the party?
Give opinionslike, I like that not like, I don’t like it good, bad, that good, that badLike chocolate
Mondays are bad
Share newsI go, I see, I eat I went, I saw, I ateI see Dad
I went to the park
Start a conversationwhat? what do? I like that, what you like? I go there, where you go?I go beach, you go?
I like the movies, what do you like?

Please note: You might point to just some of the key words in these examples. However, you can also say the whole sentence as you model. For example: Say “You need to put your hat on”, while pointing to “put” and “on”.

For more ideas, we recommend visiting the AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom. There, you will find many planner documents. These planners cover many everyday activities and core words. They give examples for ways to use different communication functions in the activities you are already doing.

Communication functions in simPODD

This table includes words to model with branch starters and expanded words with PODD, using the simPODD system.

Communication FunctionBranch starter to modelExpand to finish message
RequestI want (to do an activity)break, play, outside activities, eat or drink, swim, TV, music, dolls, toy cars, blocks
Do something (actions)come, make, get, go, give, see, do
Let’s gofor a drive, home, places in the community (select specific place), somewhere in the house or yard (select specific place)
I have an idea (I’d like to)select from categories: places, actions, activities, special events, characters, things
ProtestSomething’s wronghurts, uncomfortable, unfair, angry, hungry, thirsty
CommentI like thisawesome, cool, exciting, fun, nice
I don’t like thisboring, noisy, scary, yucky, bad
DirectDo something (actions)see, look, go, get, give, make, take, don’t
Ask questionsI’m asking a questionwho, what, where, when, why, how
Give opinionsI like thisawesome, cool, exciting, fun, nice
I don’t like thisboring, noisy, scary, yucky, bad
Share newsI want to show you somethingmake/made, get, (its in) my bag, (its in) somewhere in the house, go to categories for specific place, people, things.
I’m telling you somethingIts time to, its already happened,Go to categories to select specific people, places, activities
Start a conversationChat wordsexcuse, please, stop/wait, thank you, hurry up, help, look
I have an ideaselect from categories: characters, people, places, activities, days and times
Let’s pretendselect from categories: characters, people, places, activities, days and times
I’m telling a story (not real)its already happened, its going to happen, its about now, its time to;go to categories: places, people, days and times, feelings, descriptions
I’m telling you somethingits already happened, its going to happen, its about now, its time to;go to categories: places, people, days and times, feelings, descriptions

Start using different communication functions

Thinking about the different communication functions is a great way to plan AAC goals and to target words to model.

Follow the links below for more strategies to get started communicating:

Download the printable Communication Functions poster here.

Original Article Source

Click here to view the original article from AssistiveWare and written by Amanda Hartmann, Speech-Language Pathologist.

Links & References

AAC Basics

Daily Device Checklist The Importance of Lite Tech Back Ups for AAC Users Modeling with AAC Do’s and Don’ts of AAC – Wait time

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