I’m a SLP

If you are an SLP and would like to see if your student’s or client’s medical insurance will cover a QuickTalker Freestyle speech device, click here to start a benefit check. We will let you know if they are eligible within 1-business day.

I’m a Parent/Guardian

If you are a parent or guardian and would like to know if your medical insurance will cover a QuickTalker Freestyle speech device for your child or family member, click here to start a benefit check. We will let you know if they are eligible within 1-business day.

For questions, contact AbleNet’s Medical Funding Team.   


Who is liable if the device becomes damaged? When is my device return date? How do I add a speech app to my ableEXPERIENCE device? What is the ableEXPERIENCE?

Additional topics for Funding for QuickTalker Freestyle


    Access to a QuickTalker Freestyle speech device for a hands-on experience.

  • Data Collection and Implementation

    Resources to help you collect data for your QuickTalker Freestyle funding request.

  • FN Lookup

    Find your QuickTalker Freestyle funding request number.

  • FN Status

    Get an update on the status of your QuickTalker Freestyle funding request.

  • Getting Started

    Learn how you get started with your request for a QuickTalker Freestyle speech device.

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