Click here to download our AAC App Considerations Checklist

App Vocabulary Navigation Grid Size Key Features 
TouchChat with WordPower     

Category Based 
Core Vocab 
Fringe Vocab 
Varies depending on Vocab page set selected and grid size. May be 3-4 hits for some vocabulary Varies depending on Vocab  

MultiChat: 15 locations 

QuickChat:4×4 grid with additional options within QuickChat

WordPower: Several options ranging from 20-140 locations 

Aphasia: 3×4 grid 
Visual Scenes Integrates with media (ie; link button to videos)

Keyboard (ABC, QWERTY, word prediction, phonics) 
Word Finder 

Recorded audio/speech option 

Can upload own photos to buttons 

Hide/Mask icons 

Multia Media Integration
LAMP Words for Life

Motor Planning Based  
Core Vocab 
Fringe Vocab 
Typically  2-3 hits (unless using LAMP 1-hit)  84 locationsQWERTY Keyboard  

Phonics page 

Word Finder 

Vocab Builder Tool  

Hide/Mask icons 

Recorded audio/speech ability 

Can upload own photos to buttons 
Category Based 
Core Vocab 
Fringe Vocab 
Varies depending on grid size (larger, more robust grid=less hits). May be 2-4 hits for fringe vocabulary. Custom (recommended use of 77 location) Keyboard (ABC or QWERTY iOS keyboard with word prediction) 

Search Tool (word finder) 

Can use recorded speech/audio 

Can upload own photo to buttons 

Hide/Mask Icons 

Progressive Language (gradually introduce core words) 

Fixed Base Voacbulary supports motor planning. Also incorporates folders/categories 1-2 hits 60 locations (48 buttons with symbols and 12 text-only buttons.) Focus Mode (highlight specific words at a time) 

Thinking space (blank space to place buttons for choices, schedules, etc) 

Proloquo Coach support app 
Search/Word Finder Tool 

Can upload own photo depending on the button type QWEWRTY Keyboard with word prediction 
TD Snap

Core First: Category based

Motor Plan: Mix of motor planning and category based  

Express: Folder based system  *Additional vocabularies available for purchase  
Core First: Dependent on grid size (2-5 hits)  Motor Plan page sets: vary from 1-4 hits  Core First: Customizable

Motor Plan: 30, 40, 66 icon options 
Visual Scenes 

Visual Scheules 

Integrated with Boardmaker
activities Integrates with media  

Keyboard (ABC or QWERTY)

Multi Media Integration

Add photos to icons

Add recorded speech/audio
GoTalk Now

Varies depending on pre-made books available for download Ability to create customized books Dependent on how App is programmed.   Customizable Visual scenes   

Add photos to buttons

Add recorded speech/audio

Proloquo2go® is a registered trademark of AssistiveWARE B.V. in the US.

TD Snap® is a trademark of Tobii-Dynavox LLC.

TouchChat®, LAMPTM, and LAMP Words for Life® are trademarks of PRC-Saltillo.

GoTalk® is a trademark of Attainment Company, Inc.

For more information about what Apps have additional language options available, click here:

If you need further support in selecting a speech app, please schedule a meeting with one of our SLPs at the following link: 

Selecting a Speech app

App Comparison Guide How to Determine the Best Grid Size for AAC Users  Device Personalization Guidelines Considering a Change in Speech Apps? Explore Your Options with AbleNet

Additional topics for Speech Apps

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